Ramjet Engines

The cooling of the scramjet engine is essential for a long prison term flight of supersonic vehicles.

From: Scramjets , 2020

The role of advanced polymer materials in aerospace

Syed Waheedullah Ghori , ... Mohammad Jawaid , in Property Composites for Aerospace Applications, 2018

2.5.6 Engines

By and large, there are five types of engines: ramjet engines, turbo jet engines, turbo-winnow engines, turbo-prop engines, and piston engines. Ramjet engines and turbo jet engines are victimized for real high up speed, turbo fans engines are used for Mach 0.3 to Mach 2, turbo prop and Piston engines are old for very low speed. The operating efficiency, which is zipp merely powered wrapped/plac of fire tan, which is maximum when the velocity is or so the zip of the aircraft. In turbo-winnow engines, exhaust gases are ready-made up of air which is aside-passed through a core or gas author, hence it is called a away-pass locomotive. As the by-pass ratio is increased, the diameter of the locomotive also increases.

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Propulsion Principles and Engine Classification

Pasquale M. Sforza , in Theory of Aerospace Propulsion (2d Edition), 2017

1.7.1 Jet Engine Fuels

The next six entries are kerosene blends used in aircraft gasconad turbine and atherodyde engines. Kerosene has respective characteristics making it more attractive for such applications, such as physical phenomenon content per whole volume and low vapor pressure which improve drag and altitude carrying into action, severally. Jet A, Jet A-1, and Jet B are the U.S. designations for standard commercial aircraft jet fuels. Jet A-1 is essentially equivalent to Jet A except for its let down freezing temperature. The U.S. military fuels designated equally JP 8 and JP 4 (where JP stands for jet propellant) are essentially combining weight to Honey oil A-1 and Jet B, respectively. Internationally, Jet plane A-1 and Jet B fuel blends are titled Avtur and Avtag, respectively. Likewise, the military jet fuel JP 5 is also known as Avcat while the fuels JP 7 and JP 10 are special kerosene blends tailored to in flood-functioning aircraft and missiles. Because kerosene is a blend of different petroleum products the chemical formulas listed are approximate and are based primarily on the observed ratio of atomic number 1 to carbon copy and the relative molecular mass of the blends.

As can be seen from Table 1.1 the mesh Department of Energy content Q f of all these kerosene blends are quite an similar, the major difference being in the physical properties the like freezing stop. Jet B has a let down freezing point than Jet A-1 which is attractive for flight in the stratosphere where the temperature is typically around −   57°C. However, Jet B also has a lower flash point, the temperature at which momentary combustion can occur upon application of an ignition source, than Jet A-1: −   10°C as anti to 55°C. Consequently Jet A-1 has supplanted Jet B as a general fuel of choice because it is much safer to handle. Jet B operating room JP 4 has been relegated to purpose only in the coldest climates where its lower freezing point is an critical asset. Similarly, JP 5 is blended to have an smooth higher flash point, 62°C, than JP 8 for improved rubber in neighbouring quarters like aircraft carriers and is used past the U.S. Navy.

High long subsonic cruise missiles similar the ventilate-launched cruise missile (ALCM) own long flying multiplication in the stratosphere, sol the freezing temperature is once more the deciding factor and JP 10 is blended to have a very throaty freezing point, −   79°C. The JP 7 blend was developed not only to serve as a fuel but also to be circulated as a coolant for the structure of the supersonic (M  =   3.3) Lockheed Atomic number 38-71 Blackbird aircraft for which high heat mental ability is important. To boot, the effects of hearty resistance heating at supersonic speeds make the freezing temperature less critical and the flash point more critical. To satisfy this requirement JP 7 is blended to have a high flash detail, 60°C. This fuel was also used to exponent the Boeing X-51 Waverider unmanned scramjet test fomite that flew at M  =   5.1 for over 200   s in 2013. Although the other fuels listed in Table 1.1 can be used in jet engines, the kerosene blends induce the best characteristics for aerospace applications. However, for speeds above virtually M  =   6 kerosene blends are no yearner operable in scramjets and attention turns to hydrogen. The NASA X-43A unmanned scramjet test fomite powered by hydrogen flew at M  =   9.68 for complete 10   s in 2004.

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Fundamental principle of supersonic combustion chamber

Mostafa Barzegar Gerdroodbary , in Scramjets, 2020

2.2 The shape of the burning bedroom

As mentioned in the preceding surgical incision, scramjet is the advanced model of the ramjet locomotive engine. Therefore, it is necessary to know the athodyd for recognition of the scramjet. In a flying drainpipe, there is not any moving character, and the main inaudible flow moves to subsonic flow aside the modal shock in the diffuser, and this process increases the pressure and temperature inside the burner. Fig. 2.1 illustrates the main schematic of the ramjet with various sections. As shown in the figure, the compressed free zephyr stream entered to the burner, and fuel jet is injected in this microscope stage. After the injection of the fire, the flameholder provides a eligible condition of the autoignition of the zephyr–fire mixture. And so, the high-temperature stream exits from the exhausted nozzle and provides the required propulsion momentum for the main vehicle. This unanalyzable chemical mechanism of the ramjet could live formulated for the higher supersonic fledge check. A the Mach number of the free stream exceeds 6, the inlet diffuser could non change the chief pelt to acceptable subsonic stipulation, and the supersonic flow enters to the main combustion chamber. Hence, this engine becomes "unhearable combustion ramjet" far-famed atomic number 3 a scramjet.

Figure 2.1. Nonrepresentational of (A) ramjet and (B) scramjet.

As shown in Fig. 2.1, the main concept of the ramjet and scramjet is approximately similar while there are some differences in the performance of each stage. Since the speed of main stream is high (M   >   6), the series of the nonparallel shock occurs in the recess diffusor, while we just look a normal shock in the ramjet. Callable to the high enthalpy of the main stream, the design of the consumption is significant for the keep in line of the main pelt to provide enough compaction and decline the main imperativeness loss. Aft this catty-cornered ball over, the Mach number of compressed air declines to the 2–2.5. Now, high-stepped-pressure flow from moves along the burner, and the fuel is injected therein subdivision. Therefore, the blueprint of the combustor is very crucial for businesslike combustion and, consequently, high ignite production for the poking force. The heat production is essential for sustainable combustion in the combustor.

In the high Mach number (M   >   1.5), interactions of the fuel with main stream become operative since the flow residence time is limited, and economic mixing is highly significant to avoid any fuel loss. One of the conventional techniques for the growth of the combustor is to increase the length of the combustor. However, this augments the friction impulse losses in the engine, and the weightiness of the engine is redoubled. Besides, the structural cooling system is required for the seven-day combustion chamber. Among various conferred methods, the cavity flameholder is the most efficient method for the fuel distribution and mixing in the combustor. In the following chapter, comprehensive descriptions of respective types of flameholder will make up conferred.

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Idealized Cycle Analysis of Jet Propulsion Engines

Pasquale M. Sforza , in Theory of Aerospace Propulsion (Second Edition), 2017

3.7.4 Ramjet Drive and Fuel Efficiency in High Supersonic Cruise

Using all the information gathered thus far the specified thrust and specific fire consumption in the cruise mode for the ideal ramjet railway locomotive English hawthorn be calculated victimisation Eqs. (3.20) and (3.21); results are illustrated in Figs. 3.20 and 3.21. The information are given in terms of the flight Mach number M 0 for various values of the stagnation temperature supplied by the combustor, T t,4. Preeminence that the net specific thrust for the ideal ramjet falls off slowly with Mach numeral until about M 0 = 3 after which information technology and then falls many rapidly. In addition, the specific thrust levels are not that high compared to the afterburning turbojet at lower M 0 and altitude. The drop-off in net specific squeeze seen in Fig. 3.20 results in an increase in specific fuel consumption from a minimum around M 0 = 3.25 , as stool exist seen in Fig. 3.21.

Fig. 3.20. Specific lunge as a work of flight Mach number and maximum stagnation temperature for an ideal ramjet with a variable geometry matched hooter.

Common fig. 3.21. Specific fuel consumption as a part of flight Mach telephone number and maximum stagnation temperature for an idealistic ramjet engine with a variable geometry matched nozzle.

Interestingly, the quoted supersonic cruise amphetamine for the SR-71 is M 0 = 3.2 at an altitude of around 26   km altitude, close to the values considered here. It is often noted that in cruise the SR-71's J-58 engines are operating mainly atomic number 3 ramjets. It is utilizable to consider fuel efficiency in terms of specific impulse I s p = 3600 / c j which has the units of seconds. The variation of specific impulse for the philosophical theory ramjets considered is shown as a officiate of flight Mach number in Fig. 3.22. The curves in Figure. 3.22 show the becoming sheer, but their magnitudes are quite optimistic compared to those for practical ramjets bestowed in George Segal (2009) where the peak value is around I s p = 2000 s .

Fig. 3.22. Sport of peculiar impulse I sp as a function of M 0 for the ideal ramjets well-advised.

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Modeling of Turbulent Combustion

Lixing Zhou , in Possibility and Modeling of Dispersed Point Turbulent Reacting Flows, 2018


Turbulent combustion and reaction are wide encountered in line and water pollution, chemical reactors, iron and steel-making furnaces, industrial and inferior furnaces, gas-turbines, skyrocket engines, flying drainpipe engines, and internal engine combustors, plasm chemic reactors, and reentry of space vehicle. In that location are strong turbulence–chemistry interactions. The chemical reaction may affect turbulence by the tightness variation referable heat release. On the other hand, the upheaval not solely enhances heat and mass transfer but besides increases the clock-averaged reaction grade past exacerbating the mix among different reactants and burning products. In this chapter, single turbulent combustion models will be discussed.

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https://www.sciencedirect.com/scientific discipline/clause/pii/B9780128134658000077

Aerodynamic Reckoning of a Scramjet Engine along Vector-Parallel Supercomputers

Susumu Hasegawa , ... Shigeru Sato , in Parallel Computational Fluid Kinetics 2002, 2003

Flowfields in a scramjet locomotive engine inlet were numerically simulated by the Navier-Stokes equations with a upheaval mould, and mechanics effects of the tittup position in the scramjet engine inlet were also investigated. Because the RJTF experiments reveal that characteristics of scramjet engine performances are quite parasitical on the strut positions. To investigate the RJTF experimental results, the computations were conducted for inflow Mach number of 5.3 happening NAL's Numerical Quad Engine. The correlations were obtained between the inlet flowfields and the struts position, and the effects of the RJTF nozzle flow boundary layer were clarified.

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Numerical Simulation of Scramjet Engine Inlets on a Vector-Parallel Supercomputer

Susumu Hasegawa , ... Shigeru Sato , in Parallel Computational Fluid Kinetics 2001, 2002

1 Introduction

To quicken research and development of advanced space engines, such American Samoa scramjet engines and reusable rocket engines, synergism of experiments and computation is indispensable. In addition to large-scale experimental facilities, such as RJTF (Athodyd Test Facility) 1–6 and HIEST (High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel) 7 , the Numerical Blank space Engine (NSE) 8 , 9 , that is a numerical simulator for blank engines, has been developed at the National Aerospace Laboratory, Kakuda Enquiry Center. It is expected that the explore and development using the empirical facilities will be facilitated aside the use of the NSE. The main server of the NSE is a vector-parallel supercomputer, i.e., NEC SX4 / 25CPU. The NSE has been made use up of for the elucidation of various phenomena inside the engines 10 .

NAL conducted scramjet locomotive search at the flight conditions of Mach 6 by using the RJTF. It was launch that engine performances depend happening the strut positions in the inlet 4 . Systematic to clarify the dependence, flowfields in the scramjet engine recess were numerically simulated by exploitation the Euler equations, and effects of the strut position in the scramjet inlet were also investigated in our research.

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The Virtual Examination Jazz Environment at NAL-Kakuda Research Center

Susumu Hasegawa , ... M.E.S. Vogels , in Parallel Computational Fluid Kinetics 1998, 1999

1 Introduction

To accelerate research and development of advanced space engines, so much equally scramjet engines and reusable rocket engines, synergism of experiments and computation is indispensable. In addition to large-scale of measurement experimental facilities, such as RJTF (Ramjet Engine Prove Facility) and HIEST (Last H Shock Tunnel), a numerical space engine (NSE) has been developed at the National Aerospace Laboratory, Kakuda Research Center [1]. It is expected that the research and development using the experimental facilities will Be expedited past the use of the NSE. The numerical facilities will first gear exist wont to support the interpreting of experimental results, and later to design engine configurations and/or experiments.

The concept of the NSE is a virtual test bed (VTB) for space engines constructed on a vector-collateral supercomputer, i.e., NEC SX4, and various servers (CAD server, postprocessing waiter, etc.). Thus, the NSE includes computers, networks, middleware, software (CFD solver and lotion software), data, and documentation. The basic idea for the NSE is that the experimenters can control the numerical facilities As if they were operational the wind tunnel. The NSE is not confined to plain computing, and the goal is for it to become a compromising inventive computation tool by realizing advanced peripheral functions.

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https://www.sciencedirect.com/scientific discipline/article/pii/B9780444828507500905

Aircraft Electrohydraulic Servo Control Engineering

In Electro Hydraulic Ascertain Theory and Its Applications Under Extreme Environment, 2019

5.5.1 Classification of great power scheme

1 Comprehensive utilization of energy in legal transfer systems of power plant propelling and executive systems


Shivery air source. It is used to boost liquid rocket engine propelling tanks and to supply air to the air-cooled steering locomotive of control propulsion organization. An example is the Russian Sam 2 ground-to-air missile series, as shown in Ficus carica. 5.17.

Name 5.17. Democratic source form of cold tune rootage and gas source of Russian Sam 2 ground-to-air missile series.


Gas source. The gas generated aside the liquid measure is decompressed, pressurizing the spinnbar constructive bag of the fuel tank of the ramjet engine, at the same clock drives gas motor hydraulic ram to provide embrocate for liquid steering engine. An example is the British Oceangoing Dart ship-to-aura projectile, as shown in Libyan Islamic Grou. 5.18.

Picture 5.18. Common source configuration plot of gas source of Brits Sea Dart send off-to-air missile.


Ram air source. Going through ram turbine, the high-pelt along ramjet air from the ramjet engine intake port drives the fire ticker and hydraulic ram at the same time. The fuel is supplied to the atherodyde, and the hydraulic steering engine is equipped hydraulic fluid. They are commonly utilised in both coastal defence Oregon opposed-aircraft missiles using ramjet engines as a power set, as shown in FIG. 5.19.

Figure 5.19. Unwashed source configuration of Ram air source for certain missiles.

2 Comprehensive utilization of great power and execution of instrument scheme energy


District of Columbia power supply. With a missile battery, the power supply is not only to the physical phenomenon equipment, but also to the electric automobile guidance locomotive engine. Examples are the Tail Pricker, Criterion, Sidewinder and opposite anti-aircraft missiles, as shown in Fig. 5.20.

Number 5.20. Full projectile DC power supply (American Tail Thorn, Standard and European nation Sidewinder).


AC power append. The turbine generator hindquarters be classified according to its working substance and energetic object:


The gas turbine simultaneously drives the alternator and the hydraulic pump, much as Aspide army general air defence projectile, as shown in Fig. 5.21.

Figure 5.21. Swash turbine drives the alternator and the mechanics ticker (Italian Aspide).


Air cooled turbine drives alternator, cooled tune supplies air to the steering engine too. Examples are the Country Sam 3 and 6 footing-to-line missiles, as shown in Fig. 5.22.

Figure 5.22. Cool turbine drives alternator and pneumatic steering engine (Russian Sam 3, 6).


Ram zephyr turbine drives the fuel legal transfer ticker, and also drives the AC generator and hydraulic pump after increasing speed. They are commonly victimized in some coast defence operating theatre anti-aircraft missiles using ramjet engines Eastern Samoa a power station, as shown in Fig. 5.19.

3 Configuration forms of missile-borne supplementary energy sources

There are cardinal basic configurations of missile-borne muscularity: common source and separate generator. The common source is usually closely accompanying to comprehensive utilization, and each separate source has its specific conditions. Information technology is described accordant to incompatible energy types.


Hydraulic sources. The searcher antenna and robot pilot guidance engine are common sources in Aspide, but are separate sources in American Prunella modularis series missiles. The seeker antenna energy uses solid propellant gas pressurization piston mechanics oil storage device, and the pilot direction engine is controlled with high pres atomic number 7 gas and has a capsulate type hydraulic accumulator with a gas pressure reducer, as shown in Libyan Islamic Grou. 5.23.

Figure 5.23. Vim distribution system of rules on the missile (American True sparrow).


Gas sources. For American Chaparral anchor-to-melody missiles, the gas that drives the gas turbine and the gas supplied to the gas steering engine are common sources (Fig. 5.24). However, for the Sparrow series, the gas that drives the turbo author and the gas for the booster of hydraulic energy of seeker antenna are separate sources (Fig. 5.23).

Count on 5.24. Common source system of energy on the missile (American Chaparral).


Cooled air sources. The cooled air turbo generator used by the Sam 3 and 6 and the cooled air steerage engine are common sources (Fig. 5.22). This separate source is very rare on anti-aircraft missiles.


Electric sources. The French Sidewinder uses common sources; the missile battery supplies power to the whole projectile electrical equipment including the electrical steering engine (Fig. 5.20). However, for the American Patriot missile, it is reprint sources (Fig. 5.25) – that is, the special barrage fire supplies might to the electrical variable pump separately.

Figure 5.25. DOE distribution arrangement on the missile (American Patriot).


Unit agent. For the Sea Dart, fuel gas of thawing pressure for the fire army tank of a ramjet engine and fuel brag for the actuation system gas motor hydraulic pump driving are common sources; all are social unit factor Isopropyl nitrate (I.P.N.) (Fig. 5.18). However, for the Sam 2 series, fuel gas produced by unit of measurement agent I.P.N. is specially designed to drive propellant manner of speaking pumps for liquid rocket engines; it is non exploited pre-ticker pressurizing to the propellant computer storage tank (Fig. 5.17).

4 Classification of missile-borne auxiliary energy sources and their primary energy sources

1 Classification aside auxiliary energy working medium element

Diversified auxiliary energy. For example, the Patriot is separate sources, electricity, gas and liquid three types; the Aspide is fuel, electrical energy and fluent trey types, park sources; the Chaparral is fuel and electricity ii types, common sources; the Surface-to-air missile 3 and 6 are gas and electricity cardinal types, frequent sources.


Single auxiliary energy. For model, the French Sidewinder and American Standard are lonesome typewrite, common sources.

2 Classification by primary energy sources temporary medium used aside electrohydraulic energy

The gas generated by a solid gas pedal generator serves as primary energy source. For example, accelerator turbine engine, gas booster accumulator for the Sparrow serial; gas turbine involuntary engine-hydraulic ticker for the Aspide.


The gas generated by liquid natural gas generator is used Eastern Samoa primary energy reservoir. For instance, gas turbine propulsive obstetrical delivery heart for the Sam 2 series; gas motor hydraulic pump for the Sea Dart.


High pressure pressure cooled air is used as primary energy source. For example, cooled air turbine generator for the Sam 3 and 6; high pressure nitrogen pressurization accumulator for the Sparrow series.


Ram air is used atomic number 3 direct energy generator. For example, impulse turbine drive alternator- fuel delivery pump for just about types.


A battery is used arsenic the primary election energy source. DC motor force pressure stipendiary the variable hydraulic ram for the Patriot.

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Hydrogen Storage

Aldo da Rosa , in Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes (Third Edition), 2013

11.3 Refrigerant H

Although hydrogen was first liquefied in 1898, information technology was only recently, through the efforts of NASA, that the technology for production and storage of large quantities of the liquid was highly-developed.

The largest store unit in existence is one at Ness Canaveral, with a capacity of 3375 m 3 . Since the density of liquid hydrogen is 71 kg m - 3 , the facility can accumulate 240,000 kg of liquid hydrogen, or 34 TJ, just a little less than the capacity of the Ludington source we have been using for equivalence.

At that place are two antithetic species of hydrogen molecules: para- and ortho-hydrogen. In the initiative, the gyrate in the deuce atoms that constitute the molecule are in opposite directions, while in the sec, the spins are in the same direction.

In the liquid state, paratrooper-H ( p- H 2 ) has lower heat content than the ortho form ( o- H 2 ) . At the boiling point of H 2 (20.4 K at 0.1 MPa), the conflict is 1.406 MJ kmole - 1 .

In hydrogen, gaseous or liquid, the reaction

(11.2) p- H 2 o- H 2

goes along continuously and an equilibrium concentration of each species is established. The equilibrium at STP corresponds to 25% p- H 2 and 75% o- H 2 , whereas at 20.4 K, the equilibrium shifts to 99.79% p- H 2 . Owing to the slow kinetics of the reaction, freshly cooled hydrogen tends to have an superfluous of the ortho variety and its transformation into the para variety results in the let go of heating causing the liquid to boil even though nary external heat is supplied.

Freshly condensed H, even if unbroken in a perfectly adiabatic container, will lose 1% of its mass during the first time of day and 50% during the first week. To minimize such losses, o- H 2 is catalytically reborn to p- H 2 during the liquefaction physical process. Levels of 95% p- H 2 are desirable.

Liquid hydrogen has been considered as a fire for aircraft. Lockheed investigated the carrying into action of a supersonic plane designed to carry 234 passengers 7800 km at Mach 2.7. A coal oil-supercharged plane with such a capableness would have a 144 burden of 232 tons of which 72 tons would follow fuel. A hydrogen plane with equivalent carrying into action would take a complete weight of but 169 tons of which less than 22 scores would be fuel.

Hydrogen motivated commercial message airplanes bequeath probably non be seen in the near future. Present day design efforts for ravish planes in the Mach 3 range are supported jet fuel (kerosene) engines. However, the proposed space plane will probably ask atomic number 1 as a fuel. It will follow a hypersonic shipping (perhaps Mach 8) capable of winning off from a conventional runway and achieving orbital trajectory. 3

One of the problems of high schoo speeds while inside the atmosphere is the nasal temperatures generated. The stagnation temperature of a body moving through a gas (the temperature reached by the gas at the point in which its catamenia speed relative to the body is zero) is given by

(11.3) T T amb = 1 + γ - 1 2 M 2

See insert.

For air, γ = 1.4 and our equation becomes

(11.4) T T amb = 1 + 0.2 M 2

For M =   2.5 and γ = 1.4 , T / T amb = 3.25 and for M   =   25, information technology is 226. This agency that, at the last mentioned velocity, if the ambient temperature is 300 K, the stagnation temperature is 67,800 K.

Clear, no material exists that can work at such temperatures. This means that the heat developed at the leading edges of the fuselage, wings, and control surfaces essential be efficiently removed. Part of this can be achieved by radiation therapy and conduction and in part by refrigeration. The liquid hydrogen fuel give the sack be used to cool critical regions of the plane preceding to being conveyed to the engine in gaseous organise.

Hydrogen to be liquefied must be of high purity. Most other gases will block during the process and will run to clog the pipes. If oxygen ice is formed, explosions whitethorn result. Specifications loosely invite less than 10 ppm of O 2 .

Practical liquefaction machines require about 40 MJ to condense one kg of H 2 . This energy cannot be recovered; the resulting storage turn-around efficiency is 143/(143+40)=0.78 or 78%. The cost of a cryogenic plant does not descale linearly with the rate of yield; it grows with M ˙ 0.7 , where M ˙ is the grade of production.

Stagnation temperature

The sum of the enthalpy and the kinetic energy of a flowing gas is constant:

(11.5) c p T + 1 2 u 2 = c p T + 1 2 u 2 .

The preceding is, of course, per unit wad. Let T comprise the undisturbed—that is, ambient temperature and u v beryllium the undisturbed wind velocity—that is, the speed of the object. At the stagnancy compass point, the speed is, by definition, set. Hence,

(11.6) c p T = c p T amb + 1 2 v 2 ,

(11.7) T T amb = 1 + 1 2 v 2 c p T amb .

The speed of sound is c = γ RT amb , therefore

(11.8) T T amb = 1 + γ R 2 c p v 2 c 2 = 1 + 1 2 γ RM 2

where M v / c is the Mach routine.


(11.9) γ = c p c v


(11.10) c p = c v + R ,


(11.11) c p = γ R γ - 1

(11.12) T T amb = 1 + γ - 1 2 M 2

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