Action anime and manga feature heroes who fight the forces of evil to salve the day, and the bad guys accept terrifying powers of their ain. Many anime heroes apply swords or martial arts to have the fight to their foes, only others like to fight from a distance.

A Television receiver bear witness doesn't have to be a Western to feature some crack shots, and action anime has enough of gunslingers, archers, and snipers who can put a bead on a target to deadly effect. These superlative ten gunslingers never miss a shot, and their opponents amend beware once they're in the crosshairs! Who are these elite gunslingers and archers?

Lieutenant Riz Hawkeye isn't an alchemist like Roy Mustang or Edward Elric, simply she's a very useful soldier even so. As the name suggests, she has killer aim and can identify her crosshairs on any target, no thing how far or fast-moving information technology may be. She provides invaluable backup to Roy and the others, and Riza isn't agape to tangle with homunculi, either. What is more, she learned to create total emotional detachment during combat, allowing her to pull the trigger without hesitation.

9 Daisuke Jigen (Lupin III)

jigen lupin III

Similar Riza Hawkeye, Daisuke Jigen is a sidekick who sometimes gets some time in center stage. He's non always a dedicated sniper like Eagle, just in one case this grumpy, disguised man takes aim, someone is definitely going to drop. He favors revolvers and other pistols, and while he'due south not bloodthirsty or a thug, he's quick to draw those guns if someone is threatening him or the Lupin gang. Jigen's incredible aim got him and Lupin out of more than than one tight spot before.

eight Usopp, the Sniper King (Ane Slice)

He'south one of the Harbinger Hat pirates, and his phenomenal sense of aim and eyesight have made him the coiffure's superlative gunner without question. At offset, Usopp is just a goofball, but he'south a crack shot with a slingshot, and he tin load all sorts of specialized ammo into it. Usopp is flexible, though, and he tin also aim ship cannons quite well. Finally, he's a peerless sniper, and his nearly-superhuman eyesight is a natural match for this talent. It's trivial wonder he afterward gains the title of Sniper King!

vii Watari (Death Note)

For the most office, the mysterious quondam man known every bit Watari is L'due south handler and assistant, much similar Alfred is to Batman (this might non be a coincidence). Watari is cool and calm under fire, and during the car chase against Higuchi, Watari demonstrated some remarkable skill with a burglarize. While on board a moving helicopter, Watari shot a tire in Higuchi'south car to tiresome information technology down, then shot a pistol out of Higuchi's manus without killing him. That requires a steady hand for sure.

6 Mista (JoJo'due south Baroque Adventure)

Guido Mista aiming a gun in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Unlike some of the other marksmen on this list, Mista gets some help with his sharpshooting. He'southward a stand user and a member of the Passione gang, and his stand up (Sex Pistols) takes the form of vi piddling creatures who aim his bullets. They're numbered i-seven (missing #four due to superstition), and Mista can hit any target, anywhere. More than once, it looked like his opponents cornered him and were prepared to finish him. That is, until Mista fires a few well-angled shots that bring the bullets out of nowhere!

5 Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Like Usopp, Vash the Stampede doesn't look anything like the expert marksman he is. In fact, Vash is a superhuman, engineered existence, but he does little to flaunt that fact, unlike some of his enemies. Rather, he'd rather journey his Wild Due west-inspired planet in peace, but he'southward not afraid to whip out that distinctive pistol to restore that very peace. Vash has a strict rule to not kill anyone, and some villains might see that every bit a waste material of his potential. Just if they get on his wrong side, they can expect to receive a few sharply-placed bullets very soon!

4 Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)

The heroic pb of the classic sci-fi anime Cowboy Bebop, Spike Spiegel is not to exist underestimated. In fact, he's a flexible and creative man who deceit get away with all sorts of morally ambiguous antics, much similar Lupin Iii. While cruising effectually on his transport the Bebop, Mr. Spiegel tin take aim with his pistol, appoint in martial arts, and recover from nearly any injury. He'south also quite a trickster, especially in casinos, and he might gamble you dry! He's a lovable rogue all the way.


three Kino (Kino's Journey - The Cute World)

Kino continues the trend of gunslingers who don't bring out their guns without good reason. For the most part, the beau known as Kino travels the globe on his witting motorbike, more interested in exploring various mini-nations than fighting anyone. Simply every bit early as episode 2, Kino finds himself in a combat arena like ancient Rome's, and his extraordinary aim allows him to topple foes many times his size. He even assassinates a cruel king during combat with a masterful shot, and this throws the nation into disarray before he quietly slips away on that motorcycle.

ryuken ishida bleach

Now we take a break from all the gunslingers to explore the life of an archer. Once again, we get a grapheme who isn't too eager for a fight, equally he's actually the directly of a infirmary in Karakura Town. He's the Last Quincy, merely his son is more interested in adventures than he is. Notwithstanding, Ryuken resolved to help Uryu train, and a precisely-placed arrow to Uryu'southward heart awakened Uryu's Quincy powers once again. It takes a master marksman to pull of a shot like that, and Ryuken did it and then casually.

i Kota Hirano (High Schoolhouse of the Expressionless)

The list concludes with another sharpshooter, the high schooler Kota Hirano. He doesn't do much with pistols, but with a nice rifle, he tin take downwards zombies with great skill. He even improvises a rifle in his loftier school in one case the zombies ascension upward, and with it, he takes out whatsoever undead walker in his manner with precisely-aimed nail-bullets. Later, he'due south overjoyed to get his hands on bodily firearms, and with them, he saves his friends' lives many times over. He's also quite knowledgable about firearms, and in one case practiced at a firing range in the The states during a visit there.

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