Hw Janson History of Art the Western Tradition 8th Edition Volume I Pdf Download

Profile Image for Books Ring Mah Bell.

357 reviews 230 followers

Edited Baronial 1, 2009

I had an earlier edition of this book for a required humanities grade in college : art appreciation. And you lot know what? I learned to capeesh art. Non LIKE everything, only empathize it a bit more. I also gained some killer arm muscles lugging this brute to and from class. Once, I nigh used it equally a weapon on a homeless man who startled me asking for some alter. I could have killed him! I didn't.

But... this book is the best, even if information technology is dangerous.

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1,318 reviews 840 followers

March twenty, 2018

‎دوستانِ گرانقدر، این کتاب از 625 صفحه تشکیل شده است و برای بیشترِ موضوعات که مربوط به تاریخ هنر در دورانِ و نژادها و سرزمینهایِ گوناگون است، توضیحات کافی به همراهِ عکس هایِ با کیفیت ارائه شده است
‎عزیزانم، میتوان گفت، نخستین هنر و یا صنعتِ انسانها مربوط به زمانی میشود که ابزارهایِ مختلف به وسیلهٔ تراش دادن و خرده پرانی کردن، به شکلهایِ مناسب تری تبدیل شده است که آن دوران را "پارینه سنگی" و یا "عصرِ حجر" مینامیم
‎در چیزی حدودِ twenty هزار سالِ پیش، نخستین آثارِ هنری انسان پدیدار گشت... جالبِ توجه ترین آثارِ هنرِ پارینه سنگی، تصویرهایی از جانوران گوناگون است که نیاکانِ ما بر سطحِ دیواره هایِ سنگیِ غارها، نقاشی و پیکر تراشی کرده اند... امروزه کماکان قبایلی یافت میشوند که در وضعیتِ عصرِ پارینه سنگی زندگی میکنند، ولی عدهٔ بازماندگانِ دوران "نو سنگی" به مراتب از آنها فراوان تر است و در نقاطِ بیشتری از کرهٔ زمین پراکنده شده اند... این بازماندگان همان گروه هایی از انسانها هستند که جامعه هایِ نخستینِ آفریقایِ استوایی و جزایرِ جنوبِ اقیانوسِ آرام و دو قارهٔ شمالی و جنوبی آمریکا را به وجود آورده اند... این مردمان، مرحلهٔ انقلابِ نوسنگی را گذرانده، ولی در مسیرِ تکاملی و تمدن هایِ تاریخی، پیشرفتی نیافته اند
‎میراثِ فرهنگی اقوامِ نخستین رویِ زمین، فرهنگِ کنونی ما را غنی تر ساخته است، چنانکه رسوم و عقاید، دانش و ادبِ قومی و حتی موسیقی آن مردمان به دستِ نژادشناسان جمع آوری و تدوین شده است و به ویژه نمونه هایِ نقاشی و پیکره سازی و دیگر آثارِ هنری این مردگان در سراسرِ باخترزمین موردِ پسندِ روزافزون هنر دوستانی قرار گرفته است که مشتاقانه از آن آثار، مجموعه هایی تشکیل میدهند
‎بخش های مختلف این کتاب، بدینگونه است: هنر بشر قبل از تاریخ - هنر مصری - خاور نزدیک باستانی (سومری،آشوری،ایرانی) - هنر اژه ای - هنر یونانی - هنر اتروریایی - هنر رومی - هنر صدر مسیحیت و بیزانسی - اسلام!!! ( اسلام به خودی خود، خالی از هنر است و منظور هنرِ ایرانیان پس از یورشِ تازیانِ وحشی و بی تمدن به ایران زمین بوده است)- هنر قرون وسطای پیشین - هنر رومانسک - هنر گوتیک - نقاشی و پیکر تراشی در دورانِ گوتیکِ پسین - هنر در دوران رنسانس - هنر در دورهٔ مدرن که شاملِ شیوهٔ رومانتیک، رئالیسم، امپرسیونیسم، پسا امپرسیونیسم، معماری و نقاشی و پیکر تراشی در قرنِ بیستم، میشود
‎امیدوارم این ریویو در جهتِ شناختِ این کتاب مفید بوده باشه و از خواندنِ این کتاب لذت ببرید
‎<پیروز باشید و ایرانی>

Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.

two books 5,178 followers

Nov 25, 2016

I actually have the massive 8x11" size version of this volume which an aunt gave to me decades ago. It is both highly readable (as much so as Gombrich) and full of gorgeous illustrations. It is not also bookish so perfect for the layman and worth far more than merely a coffee table ornament. Information technology is naturally focused on Western Art but there is some word of influences from outside the "western tradition".

    art-history favorites history
Profile Image for Dave.

49 reviews xviii followers

Baronial 20, 2011

I tin't believe I read the whole thing--haha! It was for AP Art History class in loftier school--I loved it. Our teacher was fantastic and over 1 twelvemonth, we went through this whole book, adding notes in the margins on well-nigh every piece of art in the book. Information technology's a huge book that probably gave us all spine curvatures from conveying it in our backpacks, but at present information technology's a treasure I'll keep with me for the rest of my life.

    Profile Image for Ted.

    515 reviews 747 followers

    Edited July 21, 2015

    I've not actually read this book, I use it as a reference. I've not been disappointed for that utilise, though whatever volume, even 1 this large, can't comprise an inclusive history of a subject area every bit large as "art".

    I may alter the three stars at some bespeak if I find that it'south deficient in a few things I'm looking for. (Though for that affair, why not just use the web if yous're looking for info on an artist or even a particular work of art? The spider web has made big reference books like this sort of obsolete, no?)


      fine-arts take history-civilization
    Profile Image for Amber.

    423 reviews 40 followers

    Edited August five, 2009

    H.W. Janson was my boyfriend my senior year of loftier schoolhouse I carried around this big maroon book and decided that after ii.five years of wanting to exist an English major I would study Art History for the next chunk of my education. I know there have been problems with Janson's a) focus on Western art and b) focus on art created by dudes (run across: The Guerrilla Girls) only by the time I got to it, it was on its 7th or eighth edition and information technology was a piffling amend. Information technology as well helped to supplement it with Laurie Schinieder Adams' volume on the same subject.

      art-nerd-sensibilities loftier-school-required non-fiction
    Profile Image for DeeTimes' Reading Nook.

    ii,140 reviews

    March v, 2016

    Art evolves as man....

    I loved this massive book in college! Information technology was like the bible to anything and everything Art! I was always impressed with how H.W Janson was able to break down each era and make Art come to life on paper.

    So if you need to learn well-nigh the essentials to the history of Art, this is the source to apply. The editions have changed simply the showtime of the book is the aforementioned while from the 20th century to present it has been altered duly so to reflect the evolution of new practices used in Art.

    five worthy stars *****

      artist history
    Profile Image for Carl.

    x reviews

    Edited November 17, 2012

    This volume was on the meridian shelf in the family library (perhaps the original 1962 edition). I would pull it out but when the house was empty because I found the fine art therein and then "tantalizing." I've never been far from the arts since.

      Profile Image for Cindy.

      111 reviews one follower

      August 16, 2010

      From the dawn of time, artists have been the visual record keepers. My favorite era'southward are the neoclassic and romantic, the artist's were finally picking upwardly the chisel and paintbrush to depict the everyday and current events of the time, not simply beingness commissioned past rich families and royals to pay homage to their religions every bit means to save their rich souls from the depths of hell. It gave birth to an independence of expression and inspiration for artists to come. Fine art has a depth and richness that is awe inspiring, from the first lilliputian fertility goddess found to the extravagant styles of Baroque and Rococco, and the Dada movement that I yet don't get. (?) I love reading about art, enough to help grasp the passion felt by those inspired to create. A real folio turner! :)

        August 20, 2009

        Actually I read the 5th edition that was revised and expanded by Anthony F. Janson and was published in 1995. I read the book from cover to encompass all 903 pages of it. I have been interested in fine art all my life and this volume covers all aspects of it from pre-historic to modernistic, at least upwards to 1995 when the book was published. Each menstruation covered is very helpful and articulate simply necessarily condensed. One should take a good background in art periods to get the most out of it. Now that I have read it all I keep it bachelor every bit a reference book.

          Displaying 1 - ten of 147 reviews


          Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2693801-history-of-art

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